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Študentska sekcija Društva za marketing Slovenije združuje študente, ki svoj prosti čas namenjajo marketingu, pridobivanju novih znanj in druženju. FANfARA - Študentska marketinška konferenca. V sklopu SmartNinje, šole IT veščin, se bo 12. Znova odvijal tečaj STARTUP MARKETINGA. Potem ko je bil uvodni aprilski tečaj razprodan.
september 2015, Nova Gorica. IT community konferenca z vrhunskimi strokovnjaki in aktualnimi predavanji. Prijavi se na Cancel konferenco in se nam pridruži! 5 razlogov za udeležbo ali. ZAKAJ JE OBISK CANCEL KONFERENCE DOBRA IDEJA? Novosti iz področja informacijskih tehnologij.
We feel there is little justification for the best talent to be tied up in environments with a lesser chance of creating direct value. 8230;so we want to poke you out of your comfort zones and open up a world of new possibilities. Our mission is to enhance the visibility of the high growth startup and new IT sector in Slovenia. We aim to stimulate the interest of local and international talent. For work in fast moving, future oriented companies. With our sets of knowledge, experience and passion.
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Miha Fabjan
Novo mesto, SI, 8000
I am an MBA in Marketing and Finance. Saturday, April 19, 2008. To work in an organization that would provide me an opportunity to learn, grow and would enable me to realize my full potential. Nov2006 to Till Date with Qbit Systems. Q Dealing with international clients. Q Exploring potential business avenues to penetrate new clients and expand existing clientele; responsible for mobilization of funds.
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Bergen and Hudson County luxury waterfront rentals. Fort Lee, Edgewater, Englewood Cliffs, Hoboken, and the surrounding area. Hi-rise, mid-rise, low-rise, multi-family rentals in NJ. We are a full service real estate company. Convenient transportation via rail, bus, or ferry. Edgewater, Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City, Secaucus. NJ rentals with a ranked school system. Rentals best suited for your family.
Vprašanja, pobude, kritike. Vsi se bolj ali manj dnevno srečujemo z uspehi in s težavami v občini. Vsi si želimo, da težave odpravimo in izboljšamo razmere v našem okolju.
Knowledge has bitter roots but sweet fruits. Tuesday, April 21, 2009. Friday, February 27, 2009. Language and Sport Camp Štrk. Students of the 7th grade went to camp Štrk, which is located near the oldest Slovenian town-Ptuj. They learned English in more relaxed and calm environment, played different sports and collective games. They even saw the largest Kurent ever made in the near village. Saturday, January 31, 2009. Sunday, November 30, 2008.